台湾旭基 病毒核酸提取试剂盒VR100




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Virus DNA/RNA Extraction Kit II


Geneaid Biotech





Virus DNA/RNA Extraction Kit II VR050/VR100/VR300

The Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II was designed specifically for efficient purification of viral DNA and viral RNA from cell-free samples such as serum, plasma, body fluids and the supernatant of viral infected cell cultures. The efficient glass fiber spin column system is optimized for nucleic acid purification from a wide variety of both DNA and RNA viruses such as HBV, CMV, HCV, HIV, and HTLV. 101-109 copies of viral DNA/RNA can be purified from up to 200 µl samples within 20 minutes. The purified viral DNA/RNA can be used directly in qPCR and qRT-PCR assays.


Advantages (Cat. # VR050, VR100, VR300)

· High Sensitivity: virus RNA/DNA can be successfully extrac                                                    ted and detected from as low as 10E1 copy number!

· Purify virus DNA or virus RNA in 20 minutes!

· Sample Volume: up to 200 µl samples of plasma, serum, body fluids, supernatant of viral cell cultures

· Spin Columns: glass fiber membrane optimized for virus DNA and virus RNA purification

· Individually packaged virus spin columns and collection tubes, certified RNase and DNase-free

· Elution Volume: 50 µl

· Storage: dry at room temperature (15-25ºC)


RT-PCR/PCR, qPCR, qRT-PCR, Real-time PCR, Real-time RT-PCR, Automated Fluorescent DNA Sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) 


· VB Lysis Buffer

· AD Buffer

· W1 Buffer

· Wash Buffer

· RNase-free Water

· VB Columns

· 2 ml Collection Tubes

Quality Control

The quality of Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II is tested on a lot-to-lot basis according to Geneaids ISO-certified quality management system by isolating viral DNA/RNA from a 200 µl serum sample.


Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II Functional Test Data


Figure 1. Virus RNA was purified from 10E1-10E4 copy number of Red Spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus (RGNNV) using the Geneaid Virus DNA/RNA Kit II (3 replications of each copy number). The purified RNA was eluted with 30 μl RNase-free Water. cDNA synthesis was carried out with a 10 μl aliquot of purified RNA using a Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Roche) in a final volume of 20 μl. A Real-time PCR assay was then performed with 3 μl of synthesized cDNA as template, primers (designed to amplify the T4 region on the RNA2 segment), and Fast SYBR Green PCR Master Mix using the StepOnePlusTM Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems). The results confirmed that virus RNA can be successfully extracted and detected from as low as 10E1 copy number of RGNNV. The average cycle threshold (Ct): 10E4 = 23.88, 10E3 = 27.72, 10E2 = 31.22, 10E1 = 34.62. The low Ct values indicate a high number of target nucleic acid in the sample.



Figure 2. Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) RNA was extracted using the

Geneaid Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II.

The purified RNA was analyzed by electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel.
M: Geneaid 1 Kb DNA Ladder
1: HAV from original serum

2: HAV from 10X diluted serum
3: HAV from 100X diluted serum


Original Serum

10X Diluted Serum

100X Diluted Serum

Virus DNA/RNA Kit

2.17 x 107

4.47 x 106

8.48 x 105



  M         1        2        3


Figure 3. HBV (DNA), HCV (RNA), HIV (RNA), and HTLV (RNA) were purified from 200 µl of positive clinical serum samples using the Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II. Real-time qPCR and 1-step qRT-PCR reactions were then conducted using the ABI 7300 Sequence Detection System (3 replications of each copy number). Serum samples containing various amounts of DNA/RNA viruses ranging from 10E1 to 10E6 copies/ml were successfully detected and identified. The low Ct values indicate a high number of target nucleic acid in the sample.



Journal Article 1


Journal Article 2


Journal Article 3


Journal Article 4

Journal Article 5

Related Virus DNA/RNA Purification Products

Product Name


Catalogue Number

Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit II (up to 200 µl sample)

50, 100, 300


Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit III (up to 1 ml sample)

50, 100, 300


Plant Virus RNA Kit

50, 100




病毒基因组DNA/RNA 提取试剂盒



VR050, VR100, VR300


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1. 处理材料

200 μl样本(例如血浆,血清,淋巴液或经病毒感染的细胞培养液)转移到1.5 ml微量离心管中.

注意:样本不足200 μl可加缓冲液PBS补足.

加入400 μl缓冲液VB Lysis,使用涡旋振荡器振荡混匀,室温放置10分钟.


2. 吸附

加入450 μl缓冲液AD(使用前请先检查是否已加入无水乙醇),充分摇动混匀. 将吸附柱VB放入2 ml

集管中. 600 μl所得溶液加入吸附柱VB,14-16,000×g离心1分钟,倒掉收集管中的废液,将吸附柱

放回收集管中. 将剩余的溶液加入吸附柱VB,14-16,000×g离心1分钟,丢弃收集管,将吸附柱放入



3. 漂洗

向吸附柱VB中加入400 μl漂洗液W1,14-16,000 ×g离心30,倒掉收集管中的废液,将吸附柱放入收集

管中. 向吸附柱VB中加入600 μl漂洗液Wash(使用前请先检查是否已加入无水乙醇),14-16,000×g

30,倒掉收集管中的废液,将吸附柱VB放入收集管中. 14-16,000 ×g离心3分钟将吸附柱中残余的




4. 洗脱

将吸附柱VB放入一个RNase-free的离心管中,向吸附膜中间位置悬空滴加50 μl洗脱缓冲液RNase-free

water,室温放置3分钟后,14-16,000 ×g离心1分钟收集病毒DNA/RNA溶液。




www.biozj.com  QQ:523539965,  电话:010-82897201, E-Mail:15810200961@163.com



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